Days out, Europe, Family, Wildlife

Elephantastic at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

We recently got the opportunity to better understand nature’s gentle giants during the Elephantastic weekend at Whipsnade Zoo in Buckinghamshire. Supported by Mr Kipling, this remarkable weekend-long celebration of these majestic creatures marked World Elephant Appreciation Day which raises money for Asian elephant conservation and research projects.

Asian elephants are classified as endangered by the IUCN Red List of threatened species. They are also classified as one of the ZSL’s EDGE (Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered) species. Their EDGE of Existence programme hightlights and protects some of the weirdest and most incredible species on the planet.

PODcast Whipsnade main 2The Elephantastic weekend is pretty special as visitors are treated to elephant encounters, family activities and interesting talks which help make a difference to elephant conservation.

From feeding an elephant a healthy snack and having a photo taken with it to a behind the scenes guided tour of the elephant barn and learning how the zoo’s vets keep the ten Asian elephants healthy. It was fascinating to watch these magnificent creatures with their keepers and see their playful side. Especially baby elephant Sam who turned one that weekend.

PODcast Whipsnade main 3Outside the elephant paddock there was a wonderful display of decorated elephants and a silent auction with a raffle and unusual prizes to be won. Four year old POD enjoyed the conservation station as she learnt what elephants eat and how much food and drink they need. She also signed a giant birthday card for baby Sam’s birthday.

Jumbo crafts and face painting was also on offer nearby. POD created her own elephant mask while we listened to the sounds of Asia courtesy of a 3-piece playing in the sunshine. There was a brilliant atmosphere and we were thrilled we were able to enjoy it and explore the rest of the zoo afterwards. For more information about Whipsnade Zoo, please visit their website.

Disclaimer: We received tickets to Elephantastic at Whipsnade Zoo for the purpose of this review. Opinions are our own. 

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