Days out, Family

Exploring Hatchlands Park

Managed by the National Trust since 1945, Hatchlands Park in Surrey was built in the 1750’s for a naval hero and his wife. It has since housed wealthy families, a school and a printing press. Today this classic country mansion is a family home containing  a collection of paintings and fine furniture. The Cobbe Collection also includes Europe’s largest collection of keyboard instruments associated with the likes of Bach, Chopin and Elgar. Work from architect Robert Adam can also be seen in the ceilings and fireplaces in the house.

PODcast IMG_2298With 400 acres of parkland and ancient woodland, Hatchlands Park is the perfect place to explore. There are way-marked walks, gardens and a natural adventure area for children with tunnels, domes, balance beams and a totem pole. There are wood piles for den building and picnic tables for resting. Hatchlands Park hold lots of events too with POD’s favourites including garden games, crafts and pony rides. As you’d expect, she also loves climbing trees and launching herself off them too.

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PODcast IMG_2400The landscape is wonderful all year round and we love it when the bluebells arrive and Willow Wix Woods is transformed into a purple carpet. At this time of year, they have great autumn colour with oaks, beech and chestnut trees. There are also lots of shiny conkers to be found. It’s a brilliant place to blow away a few cobwebs and we’re lucky it’s a short drive away from us in Guildford.

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