Activity holidays, Adventure, Family

Our travel aspirations for 2018

Well, our travel bucket list isn’t getting any shorter that’s for sure. We cross one destination off and promptly add another five. It’s not like we haven’t travelled either, we’ve already seen a lot of the world both independently and as a family. So we have a real mix on our bucket list from destinations we yearn to visit that give us a fuzzy feeling inside whenever we think about them to the intriguing, thrilling and remarkable. As a family of three, our typical holidays are based on discovery, exploration and adventure entwined with an abundance of fun. The latter is, of course, obligatory – quality time as a family is our essential ingredient.

We relish finding places off the beaten track but essentially just like being active and making the most of all our trips. We enjoy experiencing the culture of a place, getting to know the locals and trying food we’ve never tasted before. The three of us will pretty much have a go at anything, we’re always up for a laugh and we rarely take ourselves too seriously. We adore a good road trip but there are also times when we just want all the organising done for us. The kind of holiday where you stay at a resort and take full advantage of all the activities on offer whether it be playing tennis, taking a bike ride or learning to sail.

Before our daughter POD came along, we’d often book our holidays last minute. We always liked it that way and I’m sure it added to the excitement. These days we have a similar attitude, we like to keep our options open, although we do a lot more planning before we book anywhere. The summer holidays are usually the only time of year we have to be super organised about our travels.

Our travel aspirations for 2018 have changed several times already – just goes to show how important it is to have options! Originally we planned to go away over February half term but with trips to Italy and Spain a week and two weeks later, the logistics got a little complicated! Added to which I’m heading to Tuscany in a week with some of my fellow family travel bloggers. We’ll be exploring Florence and Siena while we’re there so it’s going to be an awesome trip.

We have a few work commitments in April but we’re planning to do a few days in Europe as a family. We’d like to visit Latvia as we’ve never been but we’re also considering Prague, Budapest and Rome. May half term we have to be away so having looked at whether South Africa was doable, we’re back to researching Turkey (Turkish bath anyone?), Italy and Greece. We need sunshine that’s for sure! We have big plans for the summer as we want to drive to France and through Germany to explore the likes of Austria and Switzerland. Having spent around 4 weeks in Austurias and Cantabria, it feels like the mountains are calling us again. Being surrounded by breathtaking scenery ticks so many boxes for us and if we can make it work, it will be an amazing trip.

October seems forever away but in December we just want to be surrounded by snow. POD was born on Christmas Day 2010, the year the white stuff just kept on coming. Since then we’ve had very little snowfall in Surrey. Last week we had a lot less than expected but POD did get to build her first snowman. She actually created three little ones (having a picnic together) and her delight at playing in the snow was just priceless. The weather forecasters got it so wrong in that we didn’t get much and it didn’t stay long so we’re desperate for a snowy break. Either skiing because we’ve not been for years (my husband and I have skied, POD never has!) or heading somewhere magical like Santa’s Lapland.

When the Doves aren’t galavanting around, we really enjoy staying in a resort with flights, transfers and accommodation organised for us. We’re particularly rubbish at sitting around though so we like to have plenty of activities and excursions to keep us entertained. We love playing tennis (we might have mentioned that before) so if there are courts, our rackets tend to get packed so we can play. Coaching is normally a must as we don’t get to play these days as much as we used to. POD doesn’t tend to join us on the court as we *might* be a little competitive. We like family holidays to be exactly that but occasionally we come across great childcare facilities so she can play tennis with kids her own age for an hour or so while we play. It’s much more fun for her being surrounded by kids her own age too.

A pool is essential of course, for all of us and especially after battling it out on the court! After that, a mouth-watering lunch is a norm before embarking on other activities. Watersports are always a good laugh and while we’ve tried sailing in the past, we really should give it another go. It’s been a few years now. One thing we’re really excited about is the possibility of going on a family bike ride. POD has just cracked cycling and we promised her we’d go on an adventure once she’d learnt to steer and brake. I’d probably book myself into the spa for a massage after that with the late afternoon spent watching the husband play beach volleyball or football with guests and staff. With all the activity and a hearty dinner, we all sleep well and wake up refreshed ready to do it all the following day. After breakfast of course.

Wherever we decide to go, we love storytelling and capturing the essence of the places we visit. Of course, I’m hugely passionate about photography, here and on my parent and lifestyle blog. I feel privileged to have been a Blog Awards Finalist in the photography category in 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. We really like making videos of our travels too – both on Stories while we’re away and YouTube when we return. There’s a short film of our James Villas holiday here and do check out how I got on white water rafting with the Spanish Tourist Board. Our most recent film is from our trip to Asturias, the small one really is a comedienne in the making!

Most of you know us through this blog and my parent blog but if you’re new here, the Doves are a family of three. There’s myself (Charly), my husband Jonathan (aka the ‘POD Father’) and our daughter POD. We lived in London for years but moved to Surrey in the summer of 2010 – POD arrived on Christmas Day that year. Jonathan and I have worked in the marketing industry for many years. I was an agency Marketing Director until 2012, ran my own marketing consultancy for five years before going client side a few months ago. I’m now responsible for campaigns, content and PR and recently found my work/life/blog balance. Jonathan’s a Director at a mobile marketing agency.

Between us, we’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively most of our lives. From South East Asia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands to the Caribbean, South America and Australia where I lived for two years. We’ve travelled a lot in Europe where we’ve enjoyed many sun, ski and city breaks (scroll down to read a few of our posts). As a family of three adventurers, it’s all about making memories and having the time of our lives in the very best destinations.

This post is our entry into the #mwambassador2018 programme


Further reading:

7 things to do with kids in Asturias

Exploring San Juan de Beleño, Parque de Ponga

7 things to do with kids in Paris

The magnificent Monasterio de Piedra 

10 things to do with kids in Aragon


A few posts about Mark Warner Holidays:

What to expect on a Mark Warner holiday

Our experience of childcare on holiday

Watersports at the San Lucianu Beach resort

Tennis coaching on holiday

On the menu at San Lucianu

What’s the appeal of Mark Warner?

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  • Emily / Babies and Beauty March 11, 2018 at 10:39 pm

    I love this entry. Everything crossed for you, your photos are beyond beautiful.